
Welcome to the

Reformed Presbyterian
Church of Canada

We are a young denomination with a rich history and a global heritage


The life of the RP Church of Canada

Magazine, Training Men, RP Family Camp, Winterlude Youth

Training Men Our Magazine Family Camp Winterlude Youth

Find a church

We currently have 6 churches in Ontario, 1 church and 3 mission congregations in British Columbia, 2 of which are Mandarin speaking. You are most welcome to join with us for Lord’s Day public worship in any of our locations.

What we believe

Everyone has a set of beliefs or ideals in their life which directs the way they think and behave. Churches are no different, we as a church have a statement of belief that has historical depth and yet remains incredibly relevant for today.

Our history

The Reformed Presbyterian Church can trace its roots back into the 16th century and the first reformation in Scotland.

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